the Montagnes save money on their Vacation Station – Cruises – Part 2
Even as new members, the Montagnes received a rebate check following their vacation, in addition to initial lower rates.
“We did save money,” Carolyn continued. “Of course, we still have some money to recoup from our startup fee, but we don’t doubt that we will get it. If you travel a lot, even close-tohome vacations, it pays off.”
With family throughout the Southeast and in Michigan, there are plenty of opportunities as members of The Vacation Station for the Montagnes to continue booking hotels, rental vehicles, airlines and excursions, all at great rates and all including rebate checks when the vacation is over. “We have already booked our next vacation through The Vacation Station. It is one we’ve wanted to do for years, a Roman cruise across the Mediterranean, and The Vacation Station has already set us up at a nice location and got us a good price,” Carolyn said.